World Cat Day

On 08.08. the World Cat Day is celebrated and with it an especially lovely creature.

Birthday of Harrison Ford

Happy birthday Harrison Ford. oh man, we have a lot of childhood memories of him. Whether as Han Solo or as Indiana Jones, Harrison is one of the coolest actors ever.

Sushi Tag

On 18.06. many fans of the individual, light cuisine celebrate Sushi Day! Not only in the relevant restaurants, but also at home, of course, you can feast what you want.

Captain Picard Day

As Captain of the USS Enterprise D (NCC-1701-D) and USS Enterprise E (NCC-1701-E), Sir Patrick Stewart has created a role that for many was probably like a father substitute. Unconventional but loyal, he always sticks by his crew and Starfleet - a real childhood hero!
Talk like Yoda

Talk like Yoda Day

When master Yoda had his first appearance in the film "The Empire Strikes Back" on 21.05.1980, it was quickly done by many fans. Yoda is the oldest and most powerful Jedi Knight - despite his small body size.

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