Day of the earthworm
Get ready for an important information: Today, yes exactly today, we celebrate the day of the earthworm. For those of you who haven't been out in the wild for a while: These are small, slimy worms that burrow through the ground.
Yes, they are also available as candy, but don't worry: there are no real earthworms in there!!!
The real earthworms are not unimportant: their "business" provides plants with important nutrients ... Kinda cool, huh?
Charles Darwin already understood this and attested them intelligence! He even gave a public lecture on the little worms. The fact that he was hardly noticed shows once again that we should pay much more attention to the earthworm.
On the way to work in the morning you can simply sing the song "Hörst du die Regenwürmer husten" and see who joins in.
Here's the refrain:
OK Freunde, wir machen es wir die Regenwürmer.
Wir husten (ahem-ahem),
wir husten lauter (ahem-ahem),
wir winken aufwiedersehen (aufwiedersehen-aufwiedersehen)
For our non-German speaking readers, here is a small translation:
OK, friends, we'll do it like earthworms.
We cough (ahem-ahem),
we cough louder (ahem-ahem),
we wave good-bye (good-bye - good-bye)
We wonder how the earthworms manage to do the digging so well at all. Because they are blind, deaf and dumb and still manage to dig tunnels.
In a world ruled by earthworms, Berlin Airport would probably have been finished long ago. Would we then still be flying through the air at all, or being catapulted through huge underground tunnels? Not a bad idea.
Even if we didn't know the song before (shame on us) earthworms remind us of our childhood. Yeah, we were nerds then too, but we couldn't defend ourselves against our mothers when we were sent out ...
So we had to play outside for better or worse and of course we got to know all kinds of animals. So far we only knew earthworms in bright colours and with sugar attached ...
We wish you a lot of fun on this day of the earthworm! What do earthworms remind you of?