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We talk nerdy

In our blog we talk about topics that are a bit different. Take a look!


6 months until Christmas

Can you believe it? In exactly six months it will be Christmas again. Then the madness starts all over again: decorating, Secret Santa and countless family parties. And all that with temperatures hovering around freezing. Well, we don't feel like Christmas yet.


Sherlock Holmes Day

Heute am 03.01 feiern wir den Geburtstag von J.R.R. Tolkien. Für alle Nerds, die genau so sehr wie wir von Mittelerde träumen, ist dieser Tag ein ganz besonderer. Denn mit „Der Herr der Ringe“ und dem „Hobbit“ hat J.R.R. uns ein absolutes Meisterwerk geschenkt.

Nerd Spotties

The nerd spotties are as nerd as you are. Your little helpers around your favourite topic! 

NerdSpot - Daily or weekly preview of upcoming events.

Daily or weekly preview of upcoming events.

Missed Pirate Day? You don't know when Pi Day is? Everybody talks about May the fourth? Don't panic, the nerd spotties are at your side and will remind you of every important event! 

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Nerd for Nerd

The nerdy existence is beautiful and the nerd spotties make it even more beautiful. You have the chance to win nerdy stuff every month. So what are you waiting for?

NerdSpot - Nerd Spotties in the Web

Nerd Spotties in the Web

Of course the Nerd Spotties want to carry the Nerd existence out into the world. You can meet them on Facebook, Twitter or Discord!

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